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Event information for churches and other non-profit organizations is posted free of charge as a public service.

Announcements that are made on air, as well as the frequency and length of the schedule, will be at the discretion of station personnel.

Chili Extravaganza – Hibbing

Star of the North Maternity Home Iron Range is hosting a Chili Extravaganza at the Blessed Sacrament Church of Hibbing on Saturday, October 26th from 5:30-7:30pm. This fun event is a combination chili cook-off, silent auction, & diaper drive. Suggested donation of $10 to attend and taste chili. Anyone interested in competing in the chili […]

Community Game Night- Backus Community Center

Community Game Night will be at the Backus Community Center in the John Faith Little Theater on Sunday, October 27th from 6:30-8:30. Cards, board games, bingo, trivia, cribbage, sequence and more. Free for ages 18 and up.

Comedian Mickey Bell

Legacy Church 5467 Mountain Iron Dr, Virginia, MN

National Comedian Mickey Bell and Presence Music Band will be at Legacy Church Quad Cities on Monday, Oct. 28. This event is free and open to all. Come hear this pastor-turned-comedian from Alabama who also knows the pain of depression and failure. Find out how he overcame and found hope. Invite a friend! A light […]
