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Event information for churches and other non-profit organizations is posted free of charge as a public service.

Announcements that are made on air, as well as the frequency and length of the schedule, will be at the discretion of station personnel.

Celebrate Recovery @ Expectancy Church-Mt Iron

Celebrate Recovery meets Friday nights at Expectancy Church, located at 8861 Main Street in Mt Iron. 5:30pm: Snacks and fellowship 6-7pm: Large Group 7-8pm: Small Group Childcare available. Phone: 218-735-1132 Website: Email:    

Pancake Breakfast @ Backus Community Center

The Falls Education Foundation and Purple Pride invite you to their annual Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, January 25 from 8-11:30 at the Backus Community Center in International Falls. Free will offering.

Pottery Glazing Class-GR YMCA

Wednesday, February 26th from 10-12 in the Active Living Center located at the YMCA in Grand Rapids. Cost is $20 per person with registration required by February 20th. For questions or to register, contact Paula at or ElderCircle at 218-999-9233 ext. 275.