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Event information for churches and other non-profit organizations is posted free of charge as a public service.

Announcements that are made on air, as well as the frequency and length of the schedule, will be at the discretion of station personnel.

Celebrate Recovery- Cook

Celebrate Recovery meets at the First Baptist Church in Cook every Thursday night. A free meal is served at 5:30 followed by large group at 6 and small group at 7. This is sponsored by the Cook Covenant Church and First Baptist Church. For more information call 218-666-5979.

2B Free Addiction Ministry @ Grace & Truth Bible Church

2B Free Addiction Ministry Every Thursday 6:30-8pm @ Grace & Truth Bible Church, located at 601 12th St N, Virginia How does our program work? Meetings will be held weekly on Thursdays from 6:30-8 p.m.  An opening period of sharing encouraging words and prayer requests. In the second period, the ladies and men will meet […]

Men’s Conversation Group

Between September and May, join the Men's Conversation Group every other Thursday from 6:30 to 8:30pm at the Bass Brook Community Center (105 NW 5th Street, Cohasset) attached to Cohasset Elementary School, for community and conversation. This event is open to all men 13 years and older.  Snacks and beverages provided. Men's Conversation Group is […]