There’s still time to shine the light of Christ by making a donation to PsalmFMhere! Thank you for your generosity!


Event information for churches and other non-profit organizations is posted free of charge as a public service.

Announcements that are made on air, as well as the frequency and length of the schedule, will be at the discretion of station personnel.

Calendar of Events

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

S Sun

1 event,


Comedian Mickey Bell

1 event,


Sourdough Bread Class- Ifalls

2 events,

4 events,

0 events,

2 events,


Kootasca Senior Citizen’s Christmas Traditions Craft Sale and Baked Potato Luncheon

0 events,

1 event,


Great American Prayer

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

1 event,

3 events,


Birchdale Church Fall Supper


Kabetogama Hunters Supper

3 events,


Cross River Hall Annual Hunters Meal


Harvest Moon Greenhouse Winter Gnome Tree, Kissing Balls and Porch Pots Workshops


Bemidji Chorale and Festival Orchestra

2 events,


Elks Veterans Breakfast


Free Lotzza Motzza Pizza for Veterans

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

2 events,


Range of Voices- Fireside Stories

2 events,

0 events,

3 events,

Senior Food Distribution Event- Eveleth


Voice Lessons at Backus

2 events,

2 events,


Bloodmobile- Deer River

6 events,


Bloodmobile- Nashwauk


ElderCircle’s Parkinson’s Community Education Event

2 events,


Littlefork Annual Craft Sale


Community Harvest Dinner- Goodland

0 events,

3 events,


Bloodmobile- Aurora


Bloodmobile- Aurora

3 events,


Bloodmobile- Grand Rapids

5 events,


Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot 5K- Ifalls


Free Thanksgiving Dinner- St Joseph’s Catholic Community Church

3 events,


Home for the Holidays Parade- Ifalls

2 events,

3 events,


The Spirit of Christmas Silent Auction and Tea