2024 Shows:
Beginning August 2024: Find our local shows on YouTube! Be sure to subscribe!
7/26/24 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: Fake Leeches v. live bait
7/15/24 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave
7/10/24 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave
6/14/24 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: Taking guests fishing; avoiding rocks
6/7/24 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave
5/31/24 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave
5/24/24 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave
5/17/24 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: Canada fishing opener this weekend
5/10/24 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: Minnesota walleye opener this weekend
4/24/24 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: Water levels and temperatures
4/18/24 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: Rainy Lake Sport Fishing Club activity
3/26/24 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: Ice Fishing winding down
3/22/24 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave
3/13/24 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: Barbless hooks and more
3/08/24 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: New fishing season and regulations
2/27/24 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: Using graphs
1/12/24 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: Ice fishing tips
1/05/24 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: Ice depth on border lakes
2023 Shows:
9/21/23 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: Fall Fishing
8/21/23 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: IFalls Bass Championship
7/14/23 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave
7/05/23 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: Courtesy on the water
6/20/23 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: Heat Wave
6/16/23 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: Beaver Dams and Lake Trout
6/08/23 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: Mayflies, Mosquitoes, and More
5/30/23 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: Beetlespins and Bobbers
5/24/23 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: Summer’s coming
5/17/23 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: Fishing Opener in USA and Canada
5/02/23 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: Crappie fishing tips
4/25/23 Hooked on Fishing with Wes and Dave: Trapping, Guiding, Custom Rod Making
4/18/23 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: Getting the boats ready for open water
4/11/23 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson
4/05/23 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson
3/30/23 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson
3/21/23 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: Pike fishing
3/15/23 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: Tips for jigging and more
3/09/23 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: Custom lures and 28″ walleye
3/03/23 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: Crappie fishing, new regulations and license renewal
2/24/23 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: Derby weekend, license renewal reminder
2/17/23 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: Fishing Florida, custom trout lures
2/10/23 Hooked On Fishing with Dave Peterson: Heatwave!
2/3/23 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: It’s cold! So what?
1/27/23 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: ice safety, baked fish recipe
1/20/23 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: Crappie fishing tips and ice fishing etiquette
01/13/23 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: New Year’s fishing
2022 shows
8/13/22 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson
8/20/22 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: International Falls Bass Tournament Links: https://www.ifallsbass.com/
8/27/22 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: What kind of equipment do I need?
9/02/22 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: How did you get hooked on fishing?
9/09/22 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson
9/16/22 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson
9/30/22 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: Questions on line, jigs, and winterizing the boat
10/07/22 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: Fall fishing, corn as bait?
10/14/22 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: Fall fishing, more corn, fish decoys
10/28/22 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: Rainy River fishing, size of bait
11/04/22 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: River fishing and deer hunting
11/11/22 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: Hooked on Hunting? and Ice Fishing Preview
11/18/22 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: Prepping for ice fishing
12/02/22 Hooked On Fishing with Wes and Dave Peterson: Ice fishing techniques