Range of Voices- Fireside Stories
Please come out and support this community event! You will enjoy story and poetry through song, plus refreshments after the concert! Friday, November 15th 7pm Chisholm Baptist Church & Sunday, […]
Event information for churches and other non-profit organizations is posted free of charge as a public service.
Announcements that are made on air, as well as the frequency and length of the schedule, will be at the discretion of station personnel.
Please come out and support this community event! You will enjoy story and poetry through song, plus refreshments after the concert! Friday, November 15th 7pm Chisholm Baptist Church & Sunday, […]
Saturday, November 16th from 9-2 at the Big Falls Community Building. Huge variety of crafts, baked goods and more. Please call Marie at 218-410-6607 to register for a table
249th USMC Birthday November 16th Valentini's in Chisholm 1730 Social Hour 1830 Dinner with Program to follow RSVP is required 218-969-7137 or email magnussonc@yahoo.com