Joel Vaughn and Presence Music Band (Ft. Frances, ON)
PsalmFM presents Joel Vaughn and Presence Music Band On Tour at New Beginnings Fellowship in Fort Frances on Saturday, March 8th, at 6 p.m. Joel is a national recording artist […]
Event information for churches and other non-profit organizations is posted free of charge as a public service.
Announcements that are made on air, as well as the frequency and length of the schedule, will be at the discretion of station personnel.
PsalmFM presents Joel Vaughn and Presence Music Band On Tour at New Beginnings Fellowship in Fort Frances on Saturday, March 8th, at 6 p.m. Joel is a national recording artist […]
Joel Vaughn and Presence Music Band provide the music and message during the Sunday service. A free will offering will be taken to bless their ministry. Joel is a national […]
The International Falls Ruby's Pantry will be on March 10th from 5-6:30 at the Backus Community Center. Cost is $25 a share.